Adding a personal avatar

You can add an avatar to your personal account. To do this:
1. Go to My Account -> Personal Data,
2. Click on the avatar - a photo album will be opened on your device,
3. Select the appropriate picture and click on it,
4. The selected photo will appear as an avatar on the personal data screen.


Change the nickname

You can change your MobiTile nickname. To do this:
1. Click the editable field next to the avatar on the screen Account -> Personal Data,
2. Enter a new nickname,
3. Save changes.


Privacy settings

By default, third-party users can only see part of your personal information: nickname, avatar, location, gender and age.

You can extend the list of fields that are open to external users. To do this:
1. Click on the Lock icon of the status to the right of the required field on Account -> Personal Data screen. Icon changes from Lock to Earth in sync with the changes in the field status from Private to Public.
2. Save changes.


Changing password

If you need to change your password:
1. Go to screen Account -> Change Password
2. Enter your old password
3. Enter a new password
4. Save changes.


Restoring password

If you forgot your password:
1. Click the Remind button on the login screen
2. Enter Email, specified at registration
3. Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password.


Linking social accounts

Integration with your social accounts is performed by attaching them to your MobiTile account. To do this:
1. Go to Account -> Linked Accounts,
2. Click the icon of the resource to be connected - the application will open a login page of the selected resource,
3. Log in to your account and follow the instructions to link the account.
4. Window will be closed after completing the user authentication and a new account will appear in the Linked Accounts list.

Some networks, time to time, require refreshing access permission for the application. In this case the special icon will appear beside of SN name. Click on it to renew the permissions. 

Learn more about known SN's issues and limitations here .

Adding a new device

Install the application on a new device, run it and log in to MobiTile. It will appear in your list of devices in Account -> My Devices.

How to delete data from a lost device?

In case of loss, theft, or changing the device’s owner, you can delete all your data from it remotely. Just remove the desired device from your account:
1. Login to your MobiTile account from any remaining device (Account -> My Devices),
2. Remove the lost device from the list.

All your MobiTile account data will be automatically deleted from the removed device when somebody tries to connect to the MobiTile server from that device.

My Albums

This part of application allows user to collect all his photos and albums from linked accounts into one place. User can see the list albums, photos inside the albums, album's and photo's details – comments, likes, etc. Photo preview and saving to the storages are available too.

To find your albums, choose Account -> My Albums.
