In the time when the trees were large, and the phones were small, the idea was born to put more into phones than their form-factor allowed. MobiTile first appeared then.

Nowadays, mobile devices are not much inferior to desktop computers. But some limitations still remain. Those are battery life, mobile traffic, and smaller size of screens as compared to desktops. At the same time the amount of information received by an Internet user is growing rapidly.

MobiTile project is designed to help the owner of a mobile device to cope with large volumes of incoming information and to compensate for limitations of mobile devices.

For this purpose, we developed a new server platform, which takes most of the routine tasks of the user by:
• customizable filtering and cataloging of incoming information,
• quick search of information in history,
• automatic monitoring of resources for the user, and informing him the results by Push Notifications,
• automation of data exchange through its own "cloud storage."

Besides, it provides communication with other MobiTile users.

This is a small list of features that are already implemented in the platform. The first release of the iPhone mobile app covers only the above-listed functionality and is designed for pre-dating with MobiTile.

Our development team continues to improve and extend the functionality of the platform, as well as the number of supported operating systems and services.